17 March 2023
Paper: Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
Batch Normalization 的主要作用是 通过对每一层的输入数据进行规范化,使得每一层的输入数据的分布都接近于标准正态分布,从而提高了训练过程的稳定性。
Batch Normalization 的好处在于,它可以使得网络中每一层的输出数据分布稳定,从而加速了神经网络的收敛速度,提高了训练的效率,同时也增强了模型的泛化能力。此外,Batch Normalization 还有一些其他的优点,比如可以减小对初始权重的依赖,使得网络更容易收敛;可以缓解梯度消失或爆炸等问题,使得网络更加鲁棒。
def batchnorm_forward(x, gamma, beta, eps):
N, D = x.shape
#step1: calculate mean
mu = 1./N * np.sum(x, axis = 0)
#step2: subtract mean vector of every trainings example
x_sub_mu = x - mu
#step3: calculate variance
var = 1./N * np.sum(x_sub_mu**2, axis = 0)
#step4: add eps for numerical stability, then sqrt
sqrtvar = np.sqrt(var + eps)
#step5: invert sqrtwar
ivar = 1./sqrtvar
#step6: execute normalization
x_hat = x_sub_mu * ivar
out = gamma * x_hat + beta
#store intermediate
cache = (x_hat, gamma, x_sub_mu, ivar, sqrtvar, var, eps)
return out, cache
def batchnorm_backward(dout, cache):
#unfold the variables stored in cache
x_hat, gamma, x_su b, ivar, sqrtvar, var, eps = cache
#get the dimensions of the input/output
N, D = dout.shape
dbeta = np.sum(dout, axis=0)
dgamma_x = dout #not necessary, but more understandable
dgamma = np.sum(dgamma_x * x_hat, axis=0)
dx_hat = dgamma_x * gamma
divar = np.sum(dx_hat * x_sub_mu, axis=0)
dxmu1 = dx_hat * ivar
dsqrtvar = -1. / (sqrtvar**2) * divar
dvar = 0.5 * 1. /np.sqrt(var + eps) * dsqrtvar
dsq = 1. / N * np.ones((N, D)) * dvar
dxmu2 = 2 * x_sub_mu * dsq
dx1 = (dxmu1 + dxmu2)
dmu = -1 * np.sum(dxmu1 + dxmu2, axis=0)
dx2 = 1. / N * np.ones((N,D)) * dmu
dx = dx1 + dx2
return dx, dgamma, dbeta